Housing Inspections
- What types of inspections are performed?
- What is the inspector looking for during an inspection?
- What is an emergency or 24-hour fail?
- Does the Housing Authority conduct move-out inspections?
- What is a Quality Control Inspection?
- What does it mean when a unit is in abatement?
- What happens if my unit fails inspection twice?
- Who is responsible for fixing the items that fail an inspection?
- If my unit fails inspection, how long will I have to make the repairs?
- Will I receive a letter if the inspection passes?
- What is the difference between HUD inspection standards and local inspection standards?
- Do I have to be present for the inspection?
- How will I be notified of a scheduled annual inspection?
- Can I finish repairs or install appliances after the tenant moves in?
- Do all utilities have to be turned on during the initial inspection?
- How long does it take to schedule an initial inspection after submitting a Request for Tenancy Approval?
- Who will inspect my unit?