Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS)
- What is the Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS) Program?
- Who is eligible to join the Family Self-Sufficiency Program?
- Can I join the Family Self-Sufficiency Program if I am already employed?
- Can I participate in the Family Self-Sufficiency Program if I am receiving welfare benefits?
- Can I participate in the Family Self-Sufficiency Program if I receive Social Security or SSI benefits?
- How do I get started with the Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS) Program?
- What should I do if I have questions or need clarification about the Family Self-Sufficiency Program?
- How does the escrow (savings) account work in the Family Self-Sufficiency Program?
- When does my escrow savings account start?
- What happens if I cannot complete the Family Self-Sufficiency Program or decide to leave it?