The Housing Authority of the City of Long Beach (HACLB) administers the Housing Choice Voucher program, which supports over 6,000 families in Long Beach.
We are always looking to collaborate with dedicated landlords to meet the ongoing demand for housing. In the program, participants typically pay 30%-40% of their adjusted income towards rent, while federal funds from the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) cover the remainder. This ensures landlords receive reliable and timely payments each month.
By partnering with us, property owners gain several benefits including stable payments, annual inspections to maintain property standards, rental rates based on fair market values, on-time monthly payments, enforceable tenant obligations through lease addenda, and periodic updates through owner newsletters.
To find out more about becoming a partner in the Housing Choice Voucher program and to provide quality, affordable housing to low-income families, please visit our Housing Provider webpage.
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